sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Mysterious Vault Girl

Race: Human, Caucasian
Sex: female
Affiliation: Vault 54 (formerly)
                     Player character.
Occupation: Beggar
Karma: Neutral
SPECIAL: 6 ST, 5 PE, 5 EN, 5 CH, 8 IN 6 AG, 6 LK
Skills: Survival 59, Melee weapons 51, Sneak 50
Level: 8 →
Personal Perks: Cannibal, Travel light, Silent Running, Super Slam, 
Special Perk: Gourmet (Given to the player for having The Mysterious Vault Girl as a companion).
This perk allows the player to create Campfire items through Mysterious Vault Girl dialogue without the need for a Campfire. The same skill and item requirements apply. It is a companion perk that requires actively speaking to the companion to use.

Vault 54 (The cow)

Vault Tech inoculates women of the vault 54 with a new fertilization drug (barley tested) that make then produce more ovules. Overpopulation provoked food to run out very fast and people start to starve. At some point, someone just snap and a whole new system was established in the vault. Everybody must prove them self-useful at something relevant or become the next meal. Women start to give birth a minimum of 3 children. As they grow old have to pass many and very difficult test, those who fail becomes food.
A huge paranoia starts to growth in everybody because almost any excuse was valuable enough to be cooked. Nobody trusts anybody, you could not love your brother, you parents, any relative, and you just couldn’t have one single friend because of the fear of some treason or just the fact that in some point you will be eating they.
One day, the air-filter broke up. The heat was unbearable, air was so thin we couldn’t breathe, blur vision, some even start to hear voices. A revolution exploited inside the vault, and so many was murder… A nightmare, you can make a picture by yourself, I won’t get in any detail.
Was a scam, one of the dweller broke it on porpoise and hides; when the massacre stops, fix the damn system and the “fresh” air calm down the moods. Corpses were everywhere and a big fucking banquet was given. We get all fat but soon the cheers stop. Corpses star to rot and decay and the smell to spread. Some rooms were “sacrifice” as “storage”. You could not imagine the fear, the grotesque that things start to becomes inside the vault. If things was bad before, then just get worst. Women keep giving multiple births and the population of the vault increase very fast, again. “The old ways” was implemented again and the competitions for survival restart.  
One day, the door of the vault just open. We were afraid at first, really scare and shock. We didn’t know what to do, what to think; until one of the guys snap and start running, cross the vault door and never was seeing again. He fails some of the test and knew he was the next meal, so just took the chance. Many of us did the same, took what we can carry and escaped. Many die in the wasteland for different reasons, other organized and adapt, many stay put in the vault too afraid of go out. Even some of those who when out, comeback inside very quickly, with palpitations and sweat; I learn from an old book its call Agoraphobia, many of the inmates of the vault suffers of that and don’t dare to go outside.       
 That is part of the story the player can learn from the mysterious vault girl. Some details must be work it out, but as I say before, I am Not a writer, this is just a small plot for a companion background. Some details should be learn by the character by travel to the vault, hack some computers, read some notes, talk with the inhabitants, etc.

 In the vault, everybody will treat the player character in a very polite way; welcome him/her as “family”.
 Some quest ideas:
 Some of the inhabitants that Can come out but didn’t resign to their “old ways” hunt, seduce, convince travelers and people to go to “visit” a Real pre-war Vault to never be seeing again (obviously those people becomes food). Even the vault dweller can be negotiating with slavers.

 The player character can:
-Show them “new ways”,
.Help they to get more “food”,
-Kill everybody inside,
-Lock the vault door again and forever,
-other thing you can think about it (I’m tire, didn’t sleep yet).

 Many if not all of the above can be part of the Personal Quest of the Mysterious Vault Girl.
The personal quest of the companion can also be what to do next. How to establish her, how to keep going; what “ways” will she follow; basically: What next for the Mysterious Vault Girl?

Equipment and belongings of The Mysterious Vault Girl:
-Mysterious Vault Girl outfit: DT 13, Effects: +1 AG +1 EN, weight: 15, value: 150 caps Item HP: 170 (Unique)
-Mysterious Vault Girl Fire Axe
-Mysterious Vault Girl Butcher knife
- Mysterious Vault Girl cleaver
.Strange meat pie x3
-Strange meat x8
-Purified water x5
-Stimpaks x3
-Cooking pan

Other interactions with the player character:
 By dialogues, after gain the Mysterious Vault Girl trust the character can learn the recipe to make Strange Meat Pie but without gaining the small amount of radiation.

Notable Quotes:
-“We were encouraged in our education to learn and be smarts. Somebody thought that will make our brains more “Tasteful””.
- “So much rads make people taste funny”.
-“Hide and kill, always like that game”,
-“I’m starting to get hungry”,
-“I wouldn’t mind a bite of that piece”,
-“Things with sharp teeth gives me the creeps”,
-“You look like a toasty piece of meat”,
-“And I thought that things was fuck up in the vault. Look at the wasteland”,
-“If I die, please burn me or buried me, but please ¡¡¡¡For the love of everything is sacred for you, do Not eat me! Ok? Yes?”, (When is low on health).
-Do I look like a wagon? Don’t carry me with much; I need to keep light and fast”.

-“What is that? And that? And that? So many wonders, so many horrors. Fascinating”.

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